Saturday, November 28, 2009

Google Geek - The Press

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Got interviewed by a reporter for one of our local papers yesterday. She saw/heard me talk at the school board meeting last week (asked the board to consider a pilot class in SketchUp at my daugther's middle school). I just happened to speak on the same evening as the school board was voting on placing the bond issue (for 3 new schools) up for vote.

More on my request at another time, what intrigues me this morning is that it was found news worthy by a member of the press (must have been a slow day). Have been interviewed a few times by various media types over the years - several times in recent months for work I am doing with SketchUp/Google Earth. One article was on my work with a couple other modelers in Spokane, a second was on work in Cheney/Eastern Washington University, and anoher was on my work on the Spokane River.  

I am complimented by the process, and it is good feedback to know someone is interested enough to bring it to the attention of others. Being asked questions about certain aspects of why I do things is also cause for reflection.

Well, got to go - the public awaits. Make it a good day.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Google Geek - Happy Thanksgiving

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Up early - want to make the most out of the holiday, have a lot to be thankful for this year. Beyond the basics (good health, happy family life, comfortable living situation) I had quite a bit of good karma this year.

It goes without saying that I am appreciative to Google again this year, but in a new sense. While their tools were a great help this year in what I am doing, one of the biggest things I got via Google this year is friendship. Both new ones (my Super Modelers group, people I am working with on my various Google Earth endeavors), and recontacting my old ones.

There is an old Bonnie Raitt song lyric that says "can't get no sugar from the phone". Have found it to be true, but also am amazed at how much warmth can come via the internet connection.

Happy Thanksgiving - make it a good day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Google Geek - Google Parent

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Spent 3 hours yesterday evening at my daughter's  middle school demonstrating Google Earth and SketchUp. I was there to help out a volunteer parent group that is trying to raise awareness about an upcoming school bond issue. I did models of the existing school, created a Google Site to help with web info distribution, and posted interactive maps in Google Maps and Google Earth at the web site.

I was the "eye candy" to attract people over to talk about the bond. Went well. For me it was the first time I had the opportunity to get feedback from middle school age kids (and younger). Had my computer hooked to large entrance area monitor, with splitter to a table top monitor next to me. Was positioned so I could see all that were signing in for conferences - watch their eyes/reactions. Quite a number were fascinated, some had never seen, everybody was amazed it was free.

For me it was good feedback to know that this is still new to many people. Also interesting to witness firsthand the generational switch/gap in technological usage/familiarity. In addition, I had a great time sharing/talking - real ice breaker ("Want to see your place in Google Earth?")

Got to take my daughter to school. Make it a good day.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Google Geek - Posting 3D Models

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Posted a new model to the 3D Warehouse yesterday. Not really sure why I get such a kick out of using SketchUp to do models of real world buildings. Have been doing it for a few years now and I still get a enjoy it.

I have done the Funny Farm (our home), the local university (EWU) that I picked up my computer skills at, our hometown (Cheney), and some buildings in nearby Spokane. My favorite "collection" is Small Town American Landmarks - based on buildings I have admired in my travels. This last model is in that group - the Livingston Train Depot - in Montana.

Well need to get cracking on another one. Make it a good day.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Google Geek - Demonstrating Google Offerings

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Seems like I am constantly showing people how various Google products work and chatting with them about why they could benefit from using them. This is especially true about Google Earth, but I can also rattle on about SketchUp, Google Docs,Google Sites, and a few others at the drop of a hat.

I enjoy watching people's faces while we are working through a demo. Can often witness the transition from amazement to "I can to this!" They often start talking about all the things they want to try doing.

I also enjoy the challenge of trying to communicate ideas/issues via Google tools. While it is great to post these pieces to the internet, showing them to others in person helps to get feedback on how effective the content is, how easy they are to use, and how to improve them.

Will be doing this next Monday during parent teacher conferences at my daughter's school - trying to help communicate the reasoning behind an upcoming school bond issue.

Go to go. Make it a good day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Google Sites and Google Gadgets

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Working with a local volunteer group to help raise public awareness of the issues behind the local school bond that comes up for vote in February. Went to the organizational meeting and saw that the superintendent's  powerpoint presentation did not have one map in it.  It was the lynchpin of his communication effort and it was not available online.

I set up a Google Site with information about the school district and the bond effort. I posted the superintendent's powerpoint there (turned it into a Google Presentation - all I had to do was "import" the powerpoint file into Google Docs - then just "Inserted" it). Did same thing with .pdf that the volunteer committee put together to address various issues.

Addressed the mapping issue by using Google Gadgets for Google Earth and Google Maps. Very easy - "Insert" - "Maps" or "My Maps" (created content in Google Earth then imported as a .kmz file to "My Maps). Used "File Cabinet" feature of Google Sites to Upload .kmz for use with Google Earth Gadget  (had to be inserted via url).  Check them out. Will be talking with the school board about it tonight - wish me luck.

Make it a good day.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Building Maker

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Finally got a chance to spend some time working with Building Maker this past weekend. I liked it (surprise surprise). It is a web based specialized 3D modeling tool designed to create buildings for Google Earth. It is not designed to replace SketchUp, but to complement it. It uses "Photo Match" type approach from SketchUp, coupled with some geometry generating tools. Think it is a great way to generate models in a "wholesale" fashion. The challenge is to get them to look "neat" up close. Also wonder about the possibilities for editing/improving them in SketchUp, then reposting.

 Worked on a couple of buildings over in Seattle - in the Boeing Field area. Noticed that someone had done quite a bit of work in the Rainier Ave neighborhood. Great thing about this all is that you can model buildings at a remote location (provided it is in one of the regions currently covered).

If you like SketchUp, guessing you will like Building Maker as well. Try it. Once again - it's free.

Make it a good day.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Google Geek - Technology in Education

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Technology in education. The idea/thought has been alot on my mind lately. Will be doing a workshop on SketchUp and Google Earth in March at a regional conference on that subject. Went to a meeting/community feedback session session last night for the state of Washington's Department of Early Learning. Met with ESD 101 (regional tech support group for school districts on our side of the state) last week - trying to find a way to help push forward usage of Google Earth and SketchUp in local schools. Working with local volunteer group to help with awareness of of issues surrounding the upcoming bond vote on funding for new schools - using the web/free Google products to try and spread word.

One of the striking things about all this to me is how much the kids are embracing the use of technology in their quest for knowledge. A second thing is how large a segment of parents/adults/professionals in the field are unabreast of, ignorant of, or simply do not care about the possibilities. Not sure if this is just the latest version of a recurring historical problem. Change will come - guess it is waiting on the next generation.

Make it a good day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Google Geek - The Pleasure of Distractions


My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Been a while since my last post - got involved in quite a number of little chores, errands, and distractions. Easy to do as one gets older. You slow the pace of your life down (less gets done, but the satisfaction with what you accomplish gets greater). You lose a bit of focus (variety is the spice of life). You become capable of rearranging your priorities on a moments notice (curiosity killed the cat - but not me). You try to develop new constructive "habits" to replace the older negative tendencies (old dogs can't learn new tricks). Above all - you remain stubborn.

Coming up on birthday tomorrow. Life is good. One goal for next year is to experiment with a few more Google tools. We'll see....

Make it a good day.

PS - My typing is getting a bit better.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google Geek - Anxiety Attack

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Been a bit too busy over the last few days to concentrate/focus on my blogging effort. Even been cheating on my keyboarding - peeking and using hunt and peck. Lots of email/networking while trying to keep abreast of various projects (while continually finding new things to delve into). This as I sense the holidays (Christmas cards) approaching.


That said (and recognized), am exited about the current "theme" of my recent flurry of activity - technology in education. More on this later. Got to get another cup of coffee.

Make it a good day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Google Geek - Happy Anniversary

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Yesterday was Lisa and my 29th wedding anniversary. Had a nice mellow day. Putter on the computer, out for breakfast (in for dinner), work out, putter around the shop - great fall weather. Watched "The Shining" with Lisa and Shaelyn last night.

About 6 years ago, Lisa got a good job working for the state. It made possible my journey/exodus in to the world of computers and Google. Thanks Lisa. Headed out with her to see Steve Martin tonight.

Make it a good day.