Friday, February 26, 2010

Google Geek - Internet Distractions

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Main reason for this post is to let everyone (anyone) know I am still around. Have been trying to evaluate/research jumping into a more active roll in digital social networking (Twitter, Facebook, and now Google's Buzz). Thin it is worthwhile, just trying to find a rhythm to doing it that does not elevate my heart beat/blood pressure.

Since I still enjoy direct social contact and networking the old fashion way trying to find the time has been a challenge. Especially since I believe that pace is a key factor in enjoying life.

Have still been doing 3D models - Dayton (WA) Train Depot, and have been doing a lot of Google Earth related networking for Ice Age Flood Geologic Trail,  Mullan Trail, and Oregon/California Trail. Doing a presentation and workshop at the Northwest Council for Computers in Education in Seattle next week.

Got to go. Make it a good day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Google Geek - New Schools

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Our school district passed a bond issue to raise money for building new schools last night. I was in the boardroom of the district offices at 8 PM last night when the vote tally flashed up - delivered via internet. Big whoop from all, lots of smiles/handshakes.

Was part of a volunteer group that aided in voter awareness - Citizen's for Good Schools. We did all the conventional things groups do to get out the vote, but we also used the internet. I helped out by creating a map based info site using Google Sites, Google Maps API, and Google Earth API. I also used SketchUp to post 3D models of the middle school  (and 2 of its portables) to Google Earth. Along the way I helped get a grant for the middle school to create a pilot class using SketchUp to help come up with a conceptual design for the new middle school.

So I was smiling last night too. Make it a good day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Google Geek - Historic Preservation

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Have been busy lately, but not on the blog. Finally finished and posted this SketchUp model of Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge yesterday. Took the pictures for the model during our recent visit to the National Historic Park on our trip east for my father in law's memorial service. Our daughter was doing a school project on George Washington.

Was struck by how much restoration work had been done in the park since I had first visited in 1978. Have been advocating using Google Earth and SketchUp to raise awareness about historic preservation. Also feel they can be empowering tools in the preservation process for small groups with low funding. Had applied for a federal grant at the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training to use these two tools for documentation and dissemination of information on historic buildings and landscapes. No luck.

Have the opportunity to follow up on the comments on the failed app with Andy Ferrell of the National Park Service - Chief, Architecture and Engineering at the center. Will keep you posted on dialogue. Just sent off a link to the model to him.

Make it a good day.