Thursday, December 31, 2009

Google Geek - New Year's Resolutions

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

The Christmas tree came down on New Year's day - a sure sign that this year's start is all business - not a new slate, but a clean one. Have a few personal resolutions for the this year, and a bit of pride that I kept some of the ones I made last year.

Do have a few goals/resolutions on the "Geek" front.

After rereading "What Would Google Do?" I have  decided that I need to work on using the social networking tools of the web - Facebook, Twitter. Need to start moving from a "broadcast" mode to a feedback/interactive one. Think this will also aid in my endeavors/studies on how to use the web/technology to aid in education.

After reviewing "SketchUp for Dummies" - I hope to spend more time using the tools and short cuts in various Google offerings (and the interface between them) to enhance my productivity with them. Also need to spend a bit more time researching the interactive side of Google products with outside web software/technology.

Since Google is also about organizing the web's content - I need to get myself more organized. Update  my web page so that it has a "resource" section, get my Gmail account organized, and figure out a system for my bookmarks.

I also need to look at the keyboard less.

Got to go - make it a good day.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Google Geek - Vacation Review

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Apologies to anyone that needs this blog as a daily fix - been taking a Christmas break (from the blog, not being a Google Geek.) Spent/spending time reviewing (SketchUp for Dummies), rereading (What Would Google Do?), catching up on some 3D model work (Irma Hotel), tweaking kml projects (my Google Earth Gallery presentations), and puttering with some new things (Google Earth "Places").

Also continued my networking - face to face and digital. Have a number of things coming up that require  demonstrations/Q&A 's (NCCE Workshop), so I am trying to get current. Hope to get myself more digitally organized  - want/need to retool my website to make it more of a resource than just a resume.

Got to get moving. Make it a good day.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Google Geek - Getting in the Holiday Spirit


My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Procrastination. I have been putting off quite a number of my Christmas duties while I putter around with a few things of interest to me.

Have been rereading Jeff Jarvis's book "What Would Google Do?" - rather than sending out Xmas cards. Told my sister (number 1 entry in my Google search) to read it (she loves it) and she is coming for the holidays - so I want to discuss a few ideas from it with her.

Just finished off another SketchUp model and posted to the 3D Warehouse - rather than sending out Xmas cards.

Just back from a quick holiday trip to Seattle - see my brother, attend a great holiday party, go to the Apple store - rather than send out Xmas cards.

Have been going to holiday parties (rather working on a Facebook page), still like the old fashion social networking best.

Well do have to get working on the holiday letter - better late than never.

Make it a good day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

GMail - GMail Notifier

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

We drop our daughter at school (8th grade) and pick her up. She could take the bus, but this process gives her a bit more time, and us a bit of one on one time with her (20 minutes). I do the lion's share of it because of my wife's work schedule.

Sometimes Shaelyn and I talk about computers (she is a Mac user, I use both Mac and PC) or the internet  (we are both Google users). My last blog was info supplied by my "cub reporter", this is a follow up.

We were riding, she was checking her I phone, and told me that Jill's email was up/online but she was inactive (orange icon on Google Talk). I told her that I leave my email account open/internet on while I am working so that I know if I get an email. She piped up that she doesn't need to do that  because she has GMail Notifier. I asked her if it was a setting. She told me you have to download it. She found out about it in Gmail Help.

Once installed, when you are on the computer, but off line,  it will check for new messages about every two minutes. It will show you a snippet from up to 30 unread messages and make a sound to alert you of new mail.

Checked it out this morning - it's a beta. Will give it a try.

Thanks Shaelyn (don't forget to brush your teeth).

Make it a good day.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Google Talk

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Quite awhile back I mentioned that I would write about Google Talk. Well now is the time. Have not used it much. but like many of you who are parents, I live with an expert - a kid. In my case it is my daughter Shaelyn. So she will be my "cub reporter" on this one. Hey, it gave us something to talk about on our drive to school yesterday (after I went through my "dad" list - reminders, suggestions, instructions, warnings)

First things first, you have to download it (see link above) and you need a mike and webcam to run it. Shaelyn has an IMAC so she is covered. In Gmail, a little panel (with lights) lets you know if someone is online and available (green), busy (red), inactive (orange). If they have the video feature on, the icon turns into a camera.

Shaelyn's comments - "It is like a phone, but without the bills." She also uses Skype and says it is a bit faster (better video).  She had a bit of trouble hooking it up - "My friends had to help me - we did it at a party". Always wondered what the kids are doing upstairs - not really.

Since I need to shut down my browser to install, will get back to you on any quirks I find. Going to try it tonight - figure I can check on Shaelyn while she is doing her homework (maybe even at parties). Got to run. Maybe it has/will develop a feature to show what is on the other person's screen. Another way for father/daughter quality time in the digital age.

Make it a good day.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Google Geek - Digital Holiday Season

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

The holiday season is in full swing here at the Funny Farm. It is our 15th Christmas (we have been doing this longer than Google). Just as hectic, but the digital age has changed the process quite a bit.

We still send out holiday greetings (translation - it takes most of the holidays and beyond to get them out) in the form of a card, letter, and picture. Last year we added something new - a Youtube video "Sledding at the Funny Farm".

We still hit the craft shows and malls for Christmas gifts, but online shopping and searching for hard to locate items (I get a Dicken's Village piece each year for the mantle - looking for a barn this year) also has come to play a role in our Christmas preparations. Direct shipping has been great for getting gifts out in time. Will be trying the new Google beta "Shopping" this year (see blue Google tabs at top left of search window).

Shaelyn loves watching the various holiday entertainment (Charlie Brown's Xmas, Grinch, It is a Wonderful Life), but now it comes in via her Iphone, Netflicks, and the Hallmark channel. She is in a Spokane Children's Theater Production - Babes in Toyland - you get the tickets online.

Per usual, Shaelyn and her mom will be baking some holiday fare this year. She will be tracking some recipes down online. Probably write about the pies she does on her blog.

We have holiday travel plans and guests coming in and out. My brother and his wife were just over from Seattle. They flew home last night - printed out their boarding passes on our computer before I ran them to the airport. We will be heading to Seattle by car next weekend (hit the Mac store and some great Christmas parties) - I will check weather via various Google products, (will try and add the web cams in the pass to layer in Google Earth), and be using Google Maps on my Iphone.

Time to get back to celebrating the holidays. Lets make it a good one this year.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Google - Fair or Foul Weather

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

It is cold out. How cold? The weather gadget at my IGoogle page says it is 8 F. (You do the conversion to Celsius - at my age it is still cold).

I am a "gear" head (as in outdoor clothing) and weather channel type. Spent many years working out in the weather, all times of year - golf course construction. My idea of a good recreation adventure always has a chance of bad weather. Google has helped me break my weather channel habit. Now I get it on my terms/timetable/area of interest.

In addition to the gadget at my IGoogle page, I love the Weather layers on Google Earth. I can get "Conditions and Forecasts" for many areas, turn on "Clouds" (there is an animation feature - see "Information"), and track storms on "Radar". Click on the "Information" entry by the weather layer to find out more about whwere the data comes from. Currently they also have a layer on the 2009 Hurricane season (in case you are a storm chaser type). For kicks I sometimes use the layer in the "Gallery" section to see what is currently going on. You can also get/download a few custom tools.

Well, time to get out into it. Make it a good day. Stay warm.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Google Geek - The Google Girl Effect

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Got an interesting email yesterday. From a young woman named Jill Golick about a sneaky way she is using to get young girls, like my daughter, interested in web technology - Hailey Hacks. It is an area of interest of mine because I have a great Mom (dove into the computer/web at 78), I am married to a great lady (still has trouble getting her messages from a cell phone - but has a degree in instructional systems), a daughter that is a budding tech wiz, and a sister that is an expert in the field of women's education.

I checked out a couple of the videos and some of Jill's background bio (my daughter - who is also my I Phone mentor -  loves creative writing). I sent her a link to  - something my sister brought to my attention.

Was in the one of the first classes at Princeton (surprised huh?) to be fully coed, and the "girls" have been kicking my butt ever since. Am a slow learner (but steady), but good listener (my wife disagrees). Have benefitted immensely from women in my life, but realize that while this is the common situation with most "good men", the code never allows us to reveal it.

So what does this have to do with Google? Was totally impressed by the number and caliber of women I met that were working for Google at SketchUp when I visited their Boulder offices in August. I would bet this is the case company wide. Also have been a long time fan of the creator  of Google Earth Outreach - a woman named Rebecca Moore.

Well, got to go clean up the kitchen. Make it a good day.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Google Geek - Local Business Listing

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Checked in at my Google account this morning (per usual) and noticed that I had not checked/updated my Local Business Center listing in quite awhile.  If you have a Google account and own or are involved with a local business, you can use this service to edit and customize your listing in Google Maps. This enhances your "searchability", similar to having a custom add in the yellow pages.

You can edit your location, add pictures, add video, tell about your products, hours of operation. payment options, website, etc. You can also create digital coupons. It is not available in all locations (still waiting for coverage at the Funny Farm), but should work in urban areas.

Well it is Sunday - my time to putter.

Make it a good day.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Google Geek - SketchUp in Schools


My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Headed into town this afternoon for a meeting with the assistant superintendent of our school district. She is the supervisor of technology usage for the district. The person that handles the district's tech infrastructure will also attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the development of a pilot course in SketchUp at the middle school. The principal is behind it, there is a capable teacher on staff, the software is available (pro site license), ESD 101 (regional district tech support) is behind it, it could get a grant, and I could mentor. The only hurdle is getting approval from the tech guy.

Keep your fingers crossed for us. Make it a good day. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Google Geek - Christmas Shopping

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Rabbit, Rabbit. My mom says that if you say that at the beginning of each month (it has to be the first words you say) you will have good luck that month.

Just happened to look at "blue Google links" in upper left corner of the Google search window and noticed one for "Shopping" - clicked on it, and it brought up a new beta (at least for me) Google Product Search. Just in time for the holiday shopping season.

Tried it out for a couple minutes. Did notice it had screening check boxes for things like free shipping. Also can screen by "Store"(did not see Craigslist or Ebay listed), "Category", and "Price Range". Wonder what they will think of next.

Make it a good day.