Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Google Talk

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Quite awhile back I mentioned that I would write about Google Talk. Well now is the time. Have not used it much. but like many of you who are parents, I live with an expert - a kid. In my case it is my daughter Shaelyn. So she will be my "cub reporter" on this one. Hey, it gave us something to talk about on our drive to school yesterday (after I went through my "dad" list - reminders, suggestions, instructions, warnings)

First things first, you have to download it (see link above) and you need a mike and webcam to run it. Shaelyn has an IMAC so she is covered. In Gmail, a little panel (with lights) lets you know if someone is online and available (green), busy (red), inactive (orange). If they have the video feature on, the icon turns into a camera.

Shaelyn's comments - "It is like a phone, but without the bills." She also uses Skype and says it is a bit faster (better video).  She had a bit of trouble hooking it up - "My friends had to help me - we did it at a party". Always wondered what the kids are doing upstairs - not really.

Since I need to shut down my browser to install, will get back to you on any quirks I find. Going to try it tonight - figure I can check on Shaelyn while she is doing her homework (maybe even at parties). Got to run. Maybe it has/will develop a feature to show what is on the other person's screen. Another way for father/daughter quality time in the digital age.

Make it a good day.

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