My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.
When people ask me what I do I generally preference my reply by saying "I have an unusual skill set". For over 20 years my wife and I were successful general contractors. We built and renovated golf courses. One of the holdovers from that time are some great "boy toys" - several pieces of heavy equipment. Have used them to work on the Funny Farm over the years. I have one daughter, but these pieces are my "sons".
Given my new interests and the fact that there is less for them to do around here - I have been selling them off. Doing this all on my own, thanks to the internet. The biggest piece I still have is an unusual excavator/dozer - a Kobelco ED 180 Bladerunner - my daughter nicknamed it "Dino" when she was younger.
A few weeks back, I got an inquiry on Dino - from New Zealand. The party wanted additional pictures. Rather than just sending a group of photos to him via the internet, I set up a Picasa Web Album. To begin with, Picasa is free photo editing software from Google. It is easy to use, and a great way to make organizing and sharing photos a one step process. Albums can be public or private. Settings allow people can download photos for their own use. It is possible for people to collaborate remotely on albums (I am currently doing this with a sister in law from Seattle for a recent family funeral). You can create captions, slideshows, album covers, and sort in various ways, including drag and drop. You can use a map to show where the photos were taken. Everything is editable/changeable and integrates with various other Google offerings.
The great thing about Picasa regarding my sales efforts with Dino, is that if the New Zealand party drops interest the whole package is a neat link for the next interested party.
Got to run - make it a good day.
The great thing about Picasa regarding my sales efforts with Dino, is that if the New Zealand party drops interest the whole package is a neat link for the next interested party.
Got to run - make it a good day.