Friday, August 28, 2009

Adsense - Show Me the Money


My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Show me the money. Adsense. Jeff Jarvis's book explained how Google is able to work it's magic - advertising (read Jeff's book to figure it out for yourself). Since I have been using quite a number of Google offerings, I decided to try it (blame my wife) when I set up this blog.

It was easy - just hit the "Monitize" tab or button and follow the instructions. Was very straight forward. So much so that I hooked it up to a number of Google SItes (see "Monetize" button there) I have that I park my Google Earth content in so that it is available to the Google Earth Gallery. While I work on my typing skills, Google works for me. Kind of nice because I am taking the weekend to go camping. To be realistic, this process will take some time - but rest assured I will let you know when I get my first check. In the meantime, before the revenue rolls in, Google is providing all the server space, web search, site internet security, and new product development for free - 24/7. Nice.

Previews - working on my laptop in the kitchen, when I get a phone type ring on it - my daughter (in the west wing) calling me on Google Voice - was pretty cool. Have used Gmail's Chat function - but it is texting (not all that exciting to someone working on their keyboard skills). Had a quick chat - quality time (yeah right) with my daughter sharing the joy of discovering a new tool. More later.

Need to start packing. Did think about taking the IPhone - Google Mobile - on the trip (Kalispel Island, Priest Lake, Idaho - check out Panramio pics in Google Earth). But did not want to bee like Robin Williams in "RV".

Have a good weekend.

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