Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jeff Jarvis Sucks


My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

Jeff Jarvis sucks (hardly). He is to blame for getting me started on the idea of thinking about blogging. I picked up his book ("What Would Google Do?") on a recent trip to Boulder, Colorado (more on that later) and it was eye opening - not even finished with it yet and I am recommending to friends. Say "thanks" Jeff.

At age 56 - my relationship to the business/economics of the internet was hampered a bit by my background (traditional MBA from Wharton Business School) and years of "preinternet" business experience. Never could quite get my head around how Google got it done. Jarvis's book explained it all neatly (like reading John McPhee - since this is a blog/gossip, he is/was my uncle's neighbor in Princeton, N.J.). In addition, he echoed the sense of empowerment that I feel from using the web, for free. While his book is about more than Google, he points to Google as the major factor in this feeling phenomena. Since Google is at the center of my internet universe, I agree with Jeff.

So ..... based on Jeff's book, I decided that blogging would be a good way to work on my typing skills, learn abit more about another Google offering, and possibly (not holding my breath here) derive some economic benefits. In short, while indulging myself, I could deal with my wife's and daughter's long list of my short comings. A "no lose" situation.

Now I just needed to find something to blog about......

Make it a good day.

PS - You'll have to read the openning to Jeff's book to get the meaning of today's title.

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