Thursday, December 31, 2009

Google Geek - New Year's Resolutions

My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

The Christmas tree came down on New Year's day - a sure sign that this year's start is all business - not a new slate, but a clean one. Have a few personal resolutions for the this year, and a bit of pride that I kept some of the ones I made last year.

Do have a few goals/resolutions on the "Geek" front.

After rereading "What Would Google Do?" I have  decided that I need to work on using the social networking tools of the web - Facebook, Twitter. Need to start moving from a "broadcast" mode to a feedback/interactive one. Think this will also aid in my endeavors/studies on how to use the web/technology to aid in education.

After reviewing "SketchUp for Dummies" - I hope to spend more time using the tools and short cuts in various Google offerings (and the interface between them) to enhance my productivity with them. Also need to spend a bit more time researching the interactive side of Google products with outside web software/technology.

Since Google is also about organizing the web's content - I need to get myself more organized. Update  my web page so that it has a "resource" section, get my Gmail account organized, and figure out a system for my bookmarks.

I also need to look at the keyboard less.

Got to go - make it a good day.

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