Friday, August 21, 2009

Google Sets The Hook - Google Earth


My name is Ron Hall.
I live at the Funny Farm.

The truth be told, my fascination with Google did not start when I opened my Gmail account, it started with Google Earth. It was love at first sight.

After almost 20 years in the construction business (golf courses) - I had developed an intense interest in 3D visualization of the real world on a computer. I had been using computers in our business for several years, teaching myself the ropes (rewarding, but slow going). My wife got a job (see "Blame the Wife" post), I had a good friend (they also had adopted children from China) - a computer science professor (3D graphics) - who suggested I talk with a colleague of his who was teaching GIS - geographic information science. We chatted, I was impressed, I enrolled in college again (age 56 - 5th time - hey when don't learn anything you have to keep going back).

I loved the subject matter - using a computer to make paper maps to help display and analyze problems. My biggest problem was that I found the paper map severely limited the potential of the compter's interactive capability. The s0ftware we were using was a prevalent, proprietary product that had limited internet capability - none in 3D.

Then along came Google Earth.

It was free. It was easy for me to use. There was tons (and ever growing) of online resources for aid in learning more about the product - blogs, user groups, online video tutorials, games. There were basic mapping tools for an old "road warrior" like me - "Search/Fly To", "Find Business", 'Directions". A "My Places" panel for maintaining things of interest to me. There are "Tools" that can be used to calculate distance, area, and import GPS points from GPS units. Above all - there were tons of ways for users to post content (for private usage, or all the world to see). The content included 3D models developed with Google's free modeling software - SketchUp. Many of Google's other products (YouTube, Panramio) readily interfaced with Google Earth, allowing the user to post content from those offerings into the "Layers" panel in Google Earth.

I jumped in with both feet.

It is hard to be brief when you are passionate about something. You might not think it is you cup of tea, but try finding out more about your cup of tea (travel, food, wine, hiking) using Google Earth - you might find it useful. It is all so new - you could be the first on your block.

If you just want to have fun (self promotion here) - try turning on the "3D Buildings Layer" in "Layers" Panel - then type "Cheney, WA" into the "Fly to" in "Search" Panel. Check my town out in 3D. Also/or - find "Add Content" button by "My Places" Panel - click on it to go to the Google Earth Gallery - type in "Ron Hall" (or whatever interests you) - check out the content.

Chores to do. Make it a good day.

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